Maximize the value of your business when you sell

Most business owners, when they decide to sell their business, start by hiring an investment banker.

This may be premature.  Investment bankers “maximize the value of the business as it is.” 

But you leave a lot of money on the table unless you first “build a better business to sell.”

We have a proprietary 3 step exit process to enable you to maximize the value of your business when you sell:

Build the right go-forward strategy

Present a clear picture of how the company will be much more valuable in five years when the buyers look to sell. We also pick up “low hanging fruit” to increase EBITDA and raise exit valuation.

Assemble the best deal team

Run multiple competitive processes to get you an investment banker, accounting firm and deal lawyer who truly understand why your business is valuable and can communicate that to the market. 

Mentor management to outperform in the process

Enable your business to stand out during the sales process, so that buyers decide your company in the one that they have to buy this quarter

We have helped business owners sell their businesses for more than 50% premium versus initial expectations by following this process

Your next step costs nothing…

Schedule consultation

Whether you are just beginning or basically ready to pull the trigger, you probably have questions about how the exit process works and how you can succeed.

  • Schedule a time of your convenience

  • Speak with an expert

  • Absolute confidentiality

Ask a question

You may be too busy to schedule a meeting. We understand what life is like for a business owner. But you may have questions you need answered. Send us a message and we will answer it for you.

  • Ask us a question

  • Tell us about your company

  • Absolute confidentiality

Benchmark yourself

Take our benchmark survey to see where you are strong - and where you can improve your odds of success. Get a personalized review of how your company compares versus peers

  • Take benchmark survey

  • Compare versus peers

  • Absolute confidentiality

Our founder

Our founder is Kevin Murdock.  He has over 20 years of experience building road maps, driving growth, and leading successful exit strategies for business owners and their CEOs.  In his career, he has been a professor of Strategy at Stanford Business School where he taught 1/3 of all Stanford MBAs the core Strategic Management course and did research on optimal contract design. 

He later joined McKinsey & Company where he led engagements on multi-billion-dollar M&A due diligence, lean operation improvements, strategic marketing, and ultimately was a leader in the North American Health Care practice and the global Business Building and Growth practice.  He left McKinsey to buy a series of companies which he later sold via successful exits.  

He has written extensively on Forbes regarding the growth & exit process, sharing insights as to how to build a winning business and maximize value in a sale.

Most recently, he has been working with middle market business owners and their CEOs to accelerate growth and run them through successful exit processes.  He has had clients grow by 10X in a year and helped others sell for 50% more than their investment banker’s valuation estimate at the start of the sales process.