What is the “process before the process” to maximize the value of your business when you sell?


Most business owners think that the process of selling their business starts by hiring an investment banker.  If they do that, they are leaving significant money on the table.  This is because an investment bankers will get the best price for your “business as it is.”  What they will not do is make your business a better business.

No business is perfect.  Every business can get better.  Often there is “low hanging fruit” that represent relatively easy improvements that make your business more valuable.  It may be a gap in the leadership team, inefficiency in the operations, lack of attention to emerging market segments, among others.

We run a process to identify those improvements and help you implement them.  We look at your business with the eyes of a buyer, develop the equivalent of a “post-purchase” plan, and then implement those before your sales process starts.  In a recent example, we identified inefficiencies in the factory and implemented a lean operations approach with a client that resulted in a $3 million higher sales price.

When you take your business to the market, you can bring a tradition “entrepreneur-run” business or you can bring one that has the underlying strength of a “professionally managed” business.  The latter captures more value and we can help you achieve that level.  If you would like to learn more about how we can help you execute this process, visit growthexitpartners.com or email kcm@growthexitpartners.com.


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What should you do before you sell your business to get the most value for it?